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A Departure from the Ordinary…

The Gemstone Chronicles, Book One: The CarnelianFrom time to time I take the liberty of writing about something other than cooking here on Lana’s Cooking. Today is one of those times. I hope you’ll indulge me as I just have to brag!

About a year ago, my sweet husband Bill, known here on the blog as “BeeBop,” started writing a story for our grandchildren. It was a story full of childhood magic, fantasy, and adventure, with characters based somewhat loosely on our and their real lives. Every evening after dinner he wrote. And wrote. And wrote some more. I could see the story almost pouring out of him right onto the laptop screen as he wrote. He wanted to create something for our two grandchildren who he adores with every ounce of his heart and soul.

The Gemstone Chronicles, Book One: The Carnelian

When he finished writing, the simple story he had started out creating had turned into four books. A series of novels called The Gemstone Chronicles. And the first of that series, Book One: The Carnelian has just been published.

The Gemstone Chronicles is a fantasy adventure for middle grades and young adult readers. Although the books are written for a younger audience, they will appeal to adults, too. The story follows the adventures of Aidan, Maggie, and their grandparents Nana and Beebop as they venture into the world of Celahir to help their elven friends. It is available in multiple e-formats from Smashwords or for Kindle on Amazon. If you have a young reader in your family who enjoys fantasy adventure, we’d be humbled and grateful if you’d purchase a copy. And very interested in yours and your reader’s thoughts on the story.

If you’d like, you can follow Bill’s blog at http://www.williamlstuart.com and “Like” the Gemstone Chronicles Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/TheGemstoneChronicles.

William L. StuartMy husband is an amazing man. Not only is he now a published author, he is a master woodworker, an awesome golfer, an avid gemstone hunter, a loving father and grandfather to our daughter and grandchildren, and just about the most wonderful partner a girl could ask for. I’m so lucky that he is a part of my life.

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  1. Lora @cakeduchess says:

    Such a wonderful post to read tonight. I’m so happy for your husband and you must be beaming with pride for him. :)

    1. Thanks, Lora! And, yes I’m so very proud of him. It’s quite an accomplishment.

  2. How wonderful! It sounds like something I would want to read, actually–even though I am well out of that age range.

  3. Paula - bell'alimento says:

    That’s wonderful! Congratulations!

  4. Robyn | Add a Pinch says:

    Oh Lana, this is awesome!!! I’m so excited for you both. Selfishly, this is coming just at a perfect time, too. I’ve been looking for another series of books to read with Little Buddy and this sounds right up his alley!!! Tell BeeBop I said, “thanks!”

    1. Thanks so much, Robyn! I hope you and Little Buddy enjoy the story.

  5. That is awesome! Congratulations! And what wonderful memories for your grandchildren. Awesome!

  6. Denise @ Creative Kitchen says:

    Wow!! That’s SO cool! Congratulations!!!

    1. Thank you, Denise! We’re really excited, too.

  7. Wow! Congratulations to Beebop – can’t wait to read his first publication. How EXCITING! And congratulations to you for being smart enough to marry such a great guy. Well, and to HIM for being smart enough to marry such an amazing woman. ;-)

    Thanks so much for telling us about the book!

    1. Why thank you, Peg. I’ll pass your congratulations on to him.

  8. Barbara | Creative Culinary says:

    He’s kinda cute too…the two of you make a most adorable couple. Congrats to both of you, Beebop and Nana!