Warm Ham and Cheese Spread
This Warm Ham and Cheese Spread is like your favorite hot ham and cheese sandwich on a cracker. Nice appetizer before dinner or for a gameday spread.
A couple of weeks ago, BeeBop and I were having Uncle J and one of our nieces over for dinner and, knowing that things wouldn’t be quite ready when they arrived, I thought we needed a little something to nibble on while I finished up the Jumbo Meatballs and Spaghetti I was planning to serve.
Since I hadn’t had the presence of mind to think of this in advance, I did what I so often do – looked in the fridge and pantry to see what I could pull together with things I had on hand.
It’s really amazing how often something really, really good comes out of last-minute-tossed-together ingredients. I pulled out some diced ham, cheese, and green onions, and this Warm Ham and Cheese Spread was born!
This spread tastes like your favorite ooey-gooey hot ham and cheese sandwich spread on a cracker. How bad could that be! And it comes together in minutes.
This is perfect for a before dinner nibble and it would also be fantastic for tailgating and football game watching. Hope you enjoy it!
How to Make Warm Ham and Cheese Spread
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. By the way – you definitely won’t need to add any salt to this mixture. The cheese and ham together are quite salty enough!
Place in a medium skillet over medium-low heat. Stir frequently until cheese is melted and ham is heated through.
Serve warm with crackers.
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Warm Ham and Cheese Spread
- 4 ounces cream cheese
- 4 ounces grated sharp Cheddar cheese
- 4 ounces diced cooked ham
- 2 green onions finely diced
- ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
- dash of Worcestershire sauce
- dash of Tabasco sauce
- ½ teaspoon dried herbs such as sage thyme, or oregano (optional)
- Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. Place in a medium skillet over medium low heat until cheese is melted and ham is heated through.
- Serve warm with crackers.
Nutrition Information
Nutrition information is calculated by software based on the ingredients in each recipe. It is an estimate only and is provided for informational purposes. You should consult your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian if precise nutrition calculations are needed for health reasons.
I saw this on Facebook and had to see it ‘in person’. This looks delicious!
Thanks Maureen! I hope you’ll give it a try. It’s really very good.
OOOOOH…. That looks really good. It’s cool and kind of rainy here. This would be the perfect appetizer on such an evening. It would be really good served with some crusty toast points.
Miss P
Yes! Or with baguette…anything like that.